Leonardo da Vinci

Leonardo da Vinci (born in Vinci, province of Firenze, Italy, 15 April 1452 - died at Clos Lucé, France, May 2, 1519 at the age of 67 years) are architects, musicians, writers, sculptors and painters of the Italian Renaissance. He is described as the archetypal "renaissance man" and as a universal genius.
And beyond that, who is actually the figure of Leonardo da Vinci's? Some people might call himself as an artist. The proof is the number of paintings, including those mentioned in the controversial novel, The Last Supper.

Mona Lisa
The Last Supper

There is also the famous Mona Lisa. But there is also a mention that he could be grouped in categories of scientists. His ideas were brilliant such as aircraft actually been thought by him, although only materialized in the 20th century. He is also known for designing many are anticipating the creation of modern technology, but it is rarely made during his lifetime, as examples of his ideas about tanks and cars that poured through the pictures dichromatic. In addition, he also helped advance the science of anatomy, astronomy, and civil engineering and even culinary.

Journey of life

Leonardo is the son of Ser Piero Da Vinci and Caterina. It has a full name Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci means Leonardo son of Ser Piero from Vinci city. Leonardo came from a family that is well-established. Although his mother, Caterina di Piero, just a farmer's daughter, her father, Pietro d'Antonio da Vinci was a notary in the city of Florence.
At the time, Florence was the center of the intellectuals and artists in Italy. Family economic conditions are fairly well established that allows Leonardo obtain the best education in the city. At school, Leonardo studied geometry, reading, writing, mathematics, and Latin. He has grown as an intelligent man. Teachers often made dizzy by the questions he asked.

Andrea del Verrochio
No word tells Verrochio (one teacher) state pension painting after painting his witness that this one is better than the painting itself. In addition to being a painter, Leonardo was also able to demonstrate its ability in other fields.

Sforza Horse
In 1481 Leonardo moved to Milan to work with the Duke (Duke) there. The results of his work during Milan's most famous is the Sforza Horse who worked on for approximately 11 years. But there he does not only painting and making sculptures, but also turn the streets rivers and building canals, as well as entertaining lut Duke by playing and singing. Then he worked for King Louis XII of France in Milan and for Pope Leo X in Rome.
Meanwhile he helped Raphael and Michaelangelo in designing the cathedral of St. Peter. In his life Leonardo was interested in science. He began studying the birds fly and began designing a flying machine. The thinking was contained in his memoirs book of 7,000 pages.
In the book there is also a sketch of the study of the human body. At that time, the anatomy of the human body is no more than about strictly forbidden for anyone to dissect the bodies. With kenekatannya steal opportunity-surgical dissecting dead bodies, later actions were not uncommon in this era contributed greatly to the world of medicine.
Masterpiece, Last Supper (The Last Supper) in 1495 until 1497 were painted on the walls of the monastery of Santa Maria in Milan, has now been damaged by time. Other famous painting Mona Lisa are now contained in the Paris Louvre museum.
A speculation about who the real Mona Lisa, among others, said the image of the woman is the custom Da Vinci's own face. Speculation others state that the woman really existed, a merchant's wife.

King Francis 1
 Leonardo da Vinci lived at the Chateau de Cloux at the invitation of King Francis I since 1516. Then in 1517, Leonardo da Vinci received the visit of Cardinal Louis Aragon. The cardinal of this he showed his last work. He continues to live in Chateau de Cloux until she died. There is no record of the cause. Leonardo da Vinci died at Clos Lucé, France, on May 2, 1519, and was buried in the Chapel of St. Hubert in the castle Amboise, France.
After the death of his world, so strong is considered that Leonardo never plays a role as the strongest man in a secret organization called the Priory of Sion who berlaskarkan Knights Templar.

Priory of Sion
Is this a secret organization? Many facts lead to an allegation that the Priory of Sion is an organization that is keeping tight-tight secret Christian history according to different versions of the gospels circulating in the community. Secret is about who the real and possible messiah Jesus did not observe the law of celibacy.
In the version that had caused controversy is believed that the Messiah is St. John the Baptist, it is implied from the frequency of the Santo Da Vinci painting in a position forefinger pointed upward as a symbol of the 'Son of God'.
Santo Yohanes Pembaptis
Version is no less startling is the possibility of Mary Magdalene, the former prostitute diperistri by Jesus. But the whole thing was not proven true, until now, so that this allegation is only considered as a move to marginalize the position of Christians.

1. For Artists
In 1478, Leonardo began independently as an artist. However, Leonardo has been instrumental in painting Verrocchio's Baptism of Christ's work in the year 1476. Leonardo painted an angel in the painting. However, according to one source stated that when Verrocchio saw this painting, he vowed never to paint again. In the painting, each of them painted a painting Leonardo angels and much more beautiful than Verrocchio.Afterwards, Leonardo received an offer to work on a large project. One of them is working on relief (altarpiece) for a chapel, Palazzo Vecchio, the town hall of Florence, but the project did not take. His first large painting, The Adoration of the Magi, made for the Abbey of San. But unfortunately, the work was not completed. It is not clear what the reason Leonardo so it does not resolve these two things.As a professional artist, Leonardo worked for a number of famous people. In Milan, he worked at Ludovico Sforza (some call Ludovico il Moro). Apparently, the letter Leonardo who then convince Ludovico to hire Leonardo. In his letter, he wrote,

"I have a process for constructing very light, portable bridges, for the pursuit of the enemy; others more solid, which will resist fire and assault and may be easily set in place and taken to pieces. I also know ways of burning and destroying those of the enemy ... I can also construct a very manageable piece of artillery which projects inflammable materials, causing great damage to the enemy and also great terror because of the smoke ...."

One of Leonardo's done is create a bronze statue of Francesco Sforza, father of Ludovico, in large sizes. However, as the Sforza family's move in December 1499, Leonardo was leaving this job. The statue is not finished it even became the target of the French archers and eventually destroyed. This marks the end of their relationship, after Leonardo devotion for seventeen years, starting from 1482. He returned to Florence. 
In addition to the Ludovico, he also worked on Cesare Borgia, the duke of Romagna, son of Pope Alexander VI. Leonardo served as chief architect and engineer, give advice in the construction of the fortress that marks the territorial papacy in central Italy.
In 1506, he summons Charles d'Amboise, the ruler of France. The following year, he became the court painter and serve the King of France, Louis XIII, who later moved to Milan. While taking care of heritage in Florence, Leonardo worked on the monument of Gian Giacomo Trivulzio, commander of the French forces. For the umpteenth time, this work is not finished.

Leonardo also worked on Pope Leo X in the period 1514 until 1516. He seems more directed to perform a number of experiments - it is not clear what to do.
Recently, he served at the King Francis I. King gave him the title first painter, architect, and mechanic of the king. But apparently, Leonardo left to do the job he wanted. So, he did not do anything except finish painting the paintings he had done before. He also spent more time to conduct scientific research.

It should be recognized that Leonardo is a remarkable figure in the arts. Some of his work is a monumental work, who could not find his equal in this world. Although throughout his career as an artist is not the whole of his work unfinished, like the painting of St. Jerome (Hieronymus) or The Adoration of the Kings, still recognized his genius.
Two monumental work, including The Last Supper (done in the period 1495-1497) and Mona Lisa (done in 1503-1506). The Mona Lisa, also known as La Gioconda, seems to have a special meaning for Leonardo. He always brought this painting in a number of trips he did.

2. For Scientists
He also conducted a number of scientific research. A number of scientific theory based on research he produced a very thorough and very accurate documentation. He recognized the importance of scientific research that is highly accurate, far exceed those of his contemporaries or later. Its failure in completing art projects, occurred also in scientific research. He was never able to complete these scientific treatise. However, once printed, this treatise revolutionized 16th century science.
Leonardo research covering several areas. In the field of anatomy, he studied the circulation of blood and eye movements. In the field of meteorology and geology, he managed to deduce the relationship between the moon and the tides, suspect modern concept forms the continent, also suspect the origin of the fossil skeleton. In addition, he was one of the inventors of hydraulic science, may also include devices hydrometer.

3. Inventor
He is also an inventor. In the sketch, there are the plans for aircraft and engine drive to the top, there are also sketches 'How Birds Fly'. All of these findings from observation how birds fly. The conclusion of this study, he found a link on the size of the wing with the human body weight. Although it is not because the theory of man can fly, but he gave some instructions on how to fly a bird.From sketch submarine research can be seen, first - first he was attracted to the water flow. Then seriously examine the fish - fish that swim against the current and flow pressure barriers that occur on ships, and left some five sketches of the hull, which is a big influence on the present.At the time of Da Vinci, already hours, but the design of clock Da Vinci is different and has a typical, another hour mostly show the hours, minutes, and seconds but belongs to Da Vinci, the exterior shows the state of the moon, such as round, half-round and others - the other, the top left shows the 'minutes', the upper right shows the 'second'      

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