Javanese gamelan (Gamelan Jawa)

Gamelan comes from the word meaning gamel do, gamelan first created in the year 167, and is made of bamboo and Javanese gamelan orchestra people. Gamelan it contains many examples philosophy: It reads: nung ning nang nong neng. Nang (win), ning (Wening, reasoning) nung (ndhunung, prays), neng (meneng, silent), nong (God). His name: G (gusti), A (Allah), M (maringi), E (ants are mind), L (lakonono), A (teachings), N (the prophet).

Gamelan is a musical ensemble that usually includes metallophone, xylophone, drums, and gongs. The term gamelan refers to the instrument / tool, which is a unified whole that is realized and pounded together. Gamelan word itself comes from the Javanese word meaning gamel hitting / beating, followed by an ending that makes a noun. Gamelan orchestra mostly located on the island of Java, Madura, Bali, Indonesia and Lombok in the various kinds of sizes and shapes ensemble. In Bali and Lombok today, and in Java through the 18th century, the term gong is considered synonymous with gamelan.

Occurrences gamelan preceded by -Budha Hindu culture that dominated Indonesia in the early days of recording history, which also represents the original art of Indonesia. The instrument was developed to shape up like this in the days of the Majapahit Kingdom. In contrast to the music of India, the only impact of India's in gamelan music is how to play. In Javanese mythology, the orchestra was created by Sang Hyang Guru in Saka Era, the god who controlled the whole land of Java, with a castle on the mountain Mahendra in Medangkamulan (now Mount Lawu). Sang Hyang Guru first create a gong to summon the gods. For a more specific message and then create two gongs, and finally formed a set of gamelan.
The description of the first ensemble musical instruments found in Borobudur, Magelang, Central Java, which has stood since the 8th century. Musical instruments such as the bamboo flute, bells, drums in various sizes, harp, stringed musical instrument that is swiped and learned, is found in the relief. However, slightly metallic element found musical instruments. However, relief of the instrument said to be the origin of the gamelan.
Tuning and manufacture gamelan orchestra is a complex process. Gamelan uses four tuning means, namely sléndro, pélog, "Degung" (special area of Sunda, or West Java), and "madenda" (also known as diatonic, the same as the original minor scale that is widely used in Europe.
Gamelan music is a combination of the influence of foreign art that diverse. Linkages not the tone of Chinese musical instrument of Southeast Asia, drum bands and move music from India, bowed strings from the Middle East, even the military style of Europe that we hear on the traditional music of Java and Bali today.
Interaction components are loaded with melody, rhythm and timbre maintain heyday Balinese gamelan orchestra music. The pillars of this music brings together various rural communities Bali characters that became the order of the typical music which is a part that can not be separated from everyday life.
Sléndro or sometimes spelled as Salendro is one of the two scales of gamelan music. This scale is easier to understand than pelog, other scales, as is basically just five tones close to within almost the same in one octave.
It therefore has a perfect interval to place more narrow, about 480 cents, in contrast to pelog wider interval.

Slendro scales commonly referred to:

Number Figures Java Traditional names
Full name Short name Full name the literal meaning
1 Siji Ji Panunggal Head
2 Loro Ro Gulu Neck
3 Telu Lu Dada Chest
5 Lima Ma Lima Hand (five fingers)
6 enam nam enam not known

The origin is not clear sléndro scale. But the term comes from the name sléndro Sailendra, penguasaKerajaan Medang and Srivijaya dynasty. Scale Slendro allegedly brought to Sriwijaya by Mahayana Buddhist monks of Gandhara in India, through Nalanda and Srivijaya, from there progressed to Java and Bali    
Pelog is one of the two scales (scales) are essentially used in the original gamelan music from Bali and Java in Indonesia. Other scales are sléndro. Pelog scale can be made by assembling the perfect fourth interval with a fairly wide interval, approximately 515 to 535 cents. These intervals are at extreme distances that can be heard as a fourth interval.
Pelog full scale consists of seven different tones (a pile of six pieces of fourth interval), but usually a composition to be written in five tones. Seventh pelog tones in a scale called the "goods", "chest", "nem", "gulu", "five", "bem" and "pelog".

The tone in the scale with two different intervals, denoted by L and S, are: gulu-S-chest-L-pelog-S five-nem-S-S-goods-L-bem-S-gulu. In this case, S is around 110-150 cents and L is around 250-300 cents.
Gamelan music is created is to create a harmony of human life. Appliances made using a very high philosophy full of meaning and the message for people to always remember the Creator, Allah SWT. That we live in this world should always remember the Creator in every thought, movement and move us.

Here are some of the philosophical meaning of the instruments of the orchestra.
  1. Kedhang: derived from the word kendhali and meadow. Which means it is the desire to be controlled by the mind and a clean conscience. Each of us has a desire do it with a clear mind, full of positivity. Dimbangi with a clean heart, with the aim that this will bring good wishes for people.
  2. Gong: meaning grand / great. Implies that God is almighty. anything can happen if there is permission from Allah. The events it is to remind us of the greatness of God's power
  3. Bonang: from the word baboon and win. Which means that the true kemangan is against the passions in ourselves. , Taking control ourselves, not easily provoked and easy indulgence. Because the true winner is the person who is able to control the weather God
  4. Panembung: which means asking. That if we want / ask for something only to God. Ask Him only. Never ask for anything other than God. Never menyekutukanNya
  5. Successor (Penerus): means offspring. This implies that the teaching and preaching of Islam shall be forwarded by our descendants.
  6. Sharon: that is exciting or loud. All efforts in the Islamic da'wah to be done with hard work and abstinence despair       
  7. Xylophone (Gambang): that is plain or obvious. Implies that the mission given should be clear, so that the intent and the message conveyed a very clear, straightforward and understandable. It aims to anticipate misunderstandings in acceptance.
  8. Flute (Suling): derived from the word lust and mindful. It means we must always remember (eling) to God to control our appetites.
  1. In playing gamelan we must study the elements that support, such as rules, ethics, sense of togetherness and emotional sensitivity.
  2. Done with a good attitude and sit cross-legged.
  3. Sign acreage must not overstep gamelan instruments.    
1. Bonang barung and bonang successors:
Ricikan shaped pencon mounted above rancakan with 2 rows of arrangement is called brunjung top and bottom is called dhempok. Consists of two smart. 1 rancak for slendro containing 10/12 pencon and pelok barrel contains 14 pencon.

2. Wilahan (consisting of):
- Saron 1 and 2
- demung
- slenthem
- howl (peking)
Wilahan shaped flat located above the rancakan made of wood, there are two smart, one rancak for slendro, and a smart one for the barrel pelog    

3. kempul
Kempul mark the accents in the text songs / gending to assert knock

4. Gong (gong gong big and suwukan)
Gong marks the beginning and ending gending and provide a sense of balance after the passage of sentences songs.

5. Xylophone (Gambang)
No 3 rancak xylophone with blades made of wood, 1 reancak for slendro, 2 rancak to pelok, each consisting of 21 blades rancak ranging from tone to tone 5 to 5.

6. Gender (Gender and gender barung successor)
Bar shape using a tube or a ridge made of bamboo.
As a resonator. Gender barung contains 14 blades, gender successor to 14 bar.

7. Kethok kenong
In giving a structure limits the musical, percussion is the second instrument's most important after gongdan guiding groove

8. Zither (Celempung)
Wire stringed zither instrument. Wire consists of 13 pairs established between spikes above and below, there are three pieces of one to slendro and 2 for barrel pelok

9. kemanak
Shaped like a banana, to accompany dance bedhaya and srimpi

10. Kendang
Drums played with the fingers and palms, kendhang which determines the rhythm and tempo, (keeping keajekan tempo, transition lead sooner or later, stop the rhythm of the gamelan). Kinds of drums. (No big drums, drums wayangan, kendshang ciblon, and ketipung).

11. Fiddle (rebab)
Fiddle violin-shaped. Her body with swiped

12. Suling
(Made of bamboo in the holes)

13. sitter
Siter wire stringed instrument consists of 13 pairs, (the tool is smaller than zither)

Each instrument has different forms, roles and functions. To unify these things, there is the division of tasks of each instrument, namely:
  • Pamurba wirama
Tasked to master the rhythm of the dish, set the tempo and volume as well as stopping the piece. Instrument drums.
  • Pamurba songs:
In charge of deciding and guiding track, shows the breath, the soul and character of the piece presented. Instrument Rebab, gender, bonang.
  • stakeholder rhythm
In charge of maintaining the rhythm, tempo reinforce existing ones. Instruments kethuk, kenong, kempyang, kempul and gong
  • stakeholder songs
Charge of running the existing tracks, as well as reinforce the melody. Gender instrument, Saron, demung and howl.
  • Pangrengga songs
In charge of filling the songs. Gender successor instrument, flute, zither and zither.                           

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