Definition and Types of Art


In everyday life, we often say, "Well ... it was beautiful! Art really, yes! For example, clayey mountains with winding roads, beaches with water that appears blue, flower gardens colorful, a painting of a famous painter, the decor is beautiful, melodious voice of a singer and a great dancer movement. Among the beauty above, if everything called art?

1. Understanding Art

Art comes from the word sani (Sanskrit), which means worship, offerings, and services. The word is closely related to religious ceremonies called art. According Padmapusphita, the word comes from Dutch art genie in Latin called genius, which means that remarkable ability is inborn.

Over the years, many definitions of art expressed by some experts. Here are some definitions of art, according to experts.

a. Everyman Encyklopedia

According Everyman Encyklopedia, art is everything people do, not at the instigation of their basic needs, but because the will of luxury, pleasure, or spiritual needs.

b. Encyclopedia Indonesia

In the Encyclopedia of Indonesia stated that art is a creation of all things because of its beauty was happy to see or hear it.

c. Ki Hajar Dewantara

Ki Hajar Dewantara argues, art is a human activity arising from her life, feelings, and beautiful nature that can ground his human spirit.

d. Karta Achdiat Mihardja

Karta Achdiat Mihardja argues, art is a human spiritual activity that reflects reality in a work, form, and its contents have the power to evoke a certain experience in the spiritual realm

e. Prof. Drs. Suwaji Bastomi

Prof. Drs Suwaji Bastomi that art is a mental activity with estesis experience that is expressed in the great, have the power to evoke a sense of wonder and emotion.

f. Drs. Sudarmaji

Drs Sudarmaji argues, are all manifestations of the inner art and media experience estesis using line, shape, color, texture, volume, and dark.

From the opinions can be concluded that art is an inner activity that are reflected in the form of work can evoke feelings of others. In this sense which includes art is an activity that produces beautiful work. A general definition of art is all kinds of beauty created by man.

2. Types of Art

In society, the process of creating art can be classified into the following five branches.

a. Art

Art is a branch of art commonly called a visual arts. This is due to the intangible art forms are visualized through the sense of sight (lines, shapes, colors, space, dark, and light).

b. Music Art

Definisi Music Art

The term comes from the Greek music, Mousikos. The word is taken from the name of one of the Greek god named Mousikos. Mousikos denoted as the god of beauty and master the arts and sciences. Music can be interpreted as an expression of feelings that poured in the form of sounds.

The phrase generated by the human voice is called vocal, while the expression produced by a musical instrument called instrumental.

c. Dance

ance is generated art movement, expression, and behavior that is wonderful. Bridesmaids dance music blaring so attractive and pleasing to the eye movements.

d. Literary Arts

Sanskrit literature, literature. Su means good and meaningful literature books. So, literary writings that have language means beautiful and good.

e. performing arts

Drama comes from the Greek word, which means action dramas or show someone's livelihood. Drama is performing arts presented on stage.

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