Fine art is a branch of art that make up the artwork that can be seen by the eyes and felt by palpation. Fine art is produced point, line, area, shape, volume, color, texture, and lighting with aesthetic reference. Examples of art is ceramics, paintings, drawings, sculpture, graphic design, sculpture, photography, video, architecture, etc. Visual arts are divided into several categories such as pure art, applied art, crafts, and art design.
1. Definition of Art
According Koentjaraningrat, art is a complex of ideas, ideas, values, values, norms, and regulations which the complex pattern of activity and action of man in society and generally tangible objects of man. While understanding such is the form or field. So, art to mean an art expressed in or on a particular field. While this type of art of all kinds. No music, no dance, no theater arts, and of course art.
In English, fine arts called visual arts, which means "art that looks". Although all kinds of art can actually be seen visually (eg, dance can also be seen by the eye), but the meaning of visual arts still referring to the art that has shape or form.
2. History of Art
Art history is very closely linked to the development of human civilization. Because between art and civilization of give and take effect. Fine art can also be regarded as part of the old culture. Within certain limits, the art has been around since man knows civilization. The development of art can be traced back to the ancient times to the modern era.
Fine art since existed since prehistoric times. This was proved by the discovery of ancient paintings on the walls or roof of the cave that was once inhabited by humans in prehistoric times. The cave was found in the South of France and Northern Spain. Indonesia is also found in the cave as it was for example in the area of Leang-Leang. They create the image by scraping the walls of the cave by using sharp stone. Then scrapes it is colored by using dangklik stones and adhesives in the form of animal fat.
Eastern nations such as India, Egypt, Persia, Babylon, Roman, Greek, etc. is a nation with a civilization that is already very advanced in his day. The development of art is also very fast in these times. Evidence of its art heritage is found mostly in the form of architecture (buildings). Examples are the pyramids, sphinx, tombs of the nobles, statues, temples, etc. In addition there are also reliefs, ceramics, jewelry, and even paintings in the civilization of ancient Greece and Rome. Roman works are mostly found in the manor houses in the town of Pompei.
India famous building art is Stamba (monument Asoka), stupa, Buddhist temples. Sculpture in India is heavily influenced by the Greco-Roman art, though mostly in the form of statues of Hindu gods and Buddha statues. Because before India are not familiar with sculpture.
In medieval times, most art is influenced by the Christian religion (Christianity). This is seen in the architecture of churches are very artistic. Furthermore, the development of art is also influenced by a variety of technological inventions. One of the famous artist in this era is Leonardo da Vinci. Painting became one of the works of art at that time the most valuable to date.
Then, after the invention of the computer in the late 20th century, many emerging new type of art or growing rapidly than before. For example, graphic arts, photography, film arts, etc. At present, we can almost make works of art with boundless creativity with the discovery of this computer.
3. Branches of Arts
Fine art is divided into several branches, namely pure art, applied art, design arts, and crafts.
3.1. Fine Arts
Definisi Fine Art
Pure art is art that is created just to enjoy its aesthetic value. Pure art can not be used in everyday life. Works of pure art created by creativity and personal expression of its maker. Examples of pure art is painting, calligraphy, sculpture, ceramics, etc.
3.2. Applied Arts
Applied art is art that is created to enjoy the aesthetic value also can be used in everyday life. Applied art is generally used as a means of fulfilling the ceremony or as a daily necessity. Examples of applied art is carving, sculpture, batik, etc..
3.3. Art Design
Art design is the art of layout or design. Design is the beginning of a finished product. However, understanding the art of design is now more often used to denote the process of designing works of applied art.
3.4. Art Craft
Craft art is a branch of art that emphasizes the skills of a high hand in the process. Craft art comes from the word "Kr" (bhs Sanskrit) means 'working', from the root of the word then becomes work, craft and work. In a special sense is to do something to bring valuable objects or objects of art. Examples are textile craft crafts (woven), woodwork (carving), and craft ceramics (pottery, dishes).
4. Arts Education
Education on art has existed since the Renaissance. Later in development, there is a school of arts and fine arts faculty. In Indonesia there are also many fine arts faculty. Science of art presented a study in the field of fine arts, develop, and apply it to the public.
Various faculty of fine arts held aware of Indonesia is a country that has so much of the culture and arts of course also vary. Therefore research is needed to provide knowledge about the art. In the end, the whole culture of Indonesia has known so that continuity can be maintained properly.
5. Types of Art
Fine art consists of some kind. There is a traditional art, modern art and contemporary art.
5.1. Traditional Arts
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Traditional art is art that keeps part of the noble traditions of society. Traditional art has existed since hereditary and has become a tradition in the community. Characteristic of a tribe or a nation can be seen from their traditional art.
5.2. Modern Art
Modern art is art that is not limited by race or culture. Modern art is universal and fixed based on the philosophy of art, but their range is not limited visualization elaboration.
5.3. Contemporary Art
Contemporary art is one art that is affected by modernization. It means that the present contemporary, modern or rather was something similar to the conditions the same time or today. So contemporary art is art that is not bound by the rules of a bygone era and develop according to today. Contemporary paintings are works that thematically reflect a situation that is being passed. For example paintings are no longer bound to the Rennaissance. Similarly with the dance, more creative and modern.
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